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Andy Clark


My grandchildren love story time - even though the books are familiar and have been read before! They listen with intent, they cuddle up, recite familiar words and still laugh at the crazy endings!

They are allowed to choose one book each for me to read to them. And EVERY time - and I mean EVERY TIME - one of them says “My book FIRST, Granny”!

For kids, we know this is acceptable and we try to teach them about ‘sharing is caring’ (Thanks Barney) and we hope they will grow out of the “Me-First” attitude.


Can I say, quietly, adults just seem to learn how to disguise those same emotions?

Have you ever been in a shop where you pick the teller queue that you think is the quickest? Ever watched, counted, checked your progress against the next teller line? What about driving in slow moving traffic…. Are you a ‘swerver’ or a stayer? Why do we do these things? Madness! 😳

It does go deeper than that - I think this culture is telling us subtly that we deserve to be me-first. Society owes us something. Do we take that into our relationships with each other - with God? “God, why don’t you answer MY prayers? When are You going to do MY will?”

When last have you pushed aside what YOU want and said to God - “not my will, but Yours, God”?

Craig spoke of “How to be a Good Kingdom Builder in a Me-First World” (catch up - it will be good for you). In Haggai 1:8 “...rebuild MY house so that I will be pleased and glorified” (paraphrased)

We also seem to know the well worn verse “Seek first God’s kingdom and all these things will be added to you” Matt 6:33.

Ever thought deeper about why God should be first? Why does He want us to choose Him to be first?

Because He wants to PURSUE us with Goodness.

He wants to see TOV flowing into and out of our lives. There are benefits that we don’t deserve, that God gives us when we choose to please Him and put HIm first. Shift our focus -

  • Answered prayer - 1 John 3:21-22

  • Wisdom and knowledge - Ecc 2:26

  • Peace - Prov 16;7

  • Possession of inheritance - Ps 44:33

I think I could take my eyes off me for a bit - focus on God and what He wants me to do if I look at those benefits! All for MY good.

Urban Life - in this time can we FOCUS - on Him, on HIs House, His Bride, on PLEASING Him?


To help us during this Building-His-House process we are going to be doing a daily devotional for 2 weeks - starting Monday 13 February.

Look out for it. Focus. This is not a spam email. The devotionals will be short, sharp, focussed. (Not like this one!! 😂) Reminders of the Words that God is speaking to us.


Oue eyes

Our Ears

Our Hearts.

May His Goodness and Mercy follow you all the days of this week and may you recognise His Hand! Focus on Jesus.

Love you

Enjoy the 2 weeks of the daily dose of TOV!


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