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Andy Clark

Dear Friend,

As I wrote the word ‘Easter’ I had a random thought…Why is this time called Easter?

I have never really thought about it before!

I know that I don’t subscribe to the ‘eggs and bunny’ theories and explanations (I buy them and eat them… as one does) but Easter for me has always been about Jesus’ death and resurrection - so why do we call it Easter?

My research.

“Well, it turns out Easter actually began as a pagan festival celebrating spring in the Northern Hemisphere, long before the advent of Christianity. "Since pre-historic times, people have celebrated the equinoxes and the solstices as sacred times," University of Sydney Professor Carole Cusack said.”

Oh 😯

Then after reading that I got ‘fired up’….it is about time we bring back the real reason we celebrate this time of year - it is all about Jesus!

Urban Life Church - it is a grand time to celebrate Jesus. We can rejoice at the change of season - that is by God’s hand too - but next weekend - it’s about Jesus.

Next week - Wednesday evening (5 April) and Friday evening (7 April) we are going to have the Name of Jesus on our lips, in our hearts, in our view, and we are going to experience His power over life and death in an incredible way.

Just in case you are already bailing out and saying, “I can’t do all those nights - my children, work, blah blah!” RELAX! Choose one evening - and sign up.

We are not having a meeting but you are going to meet with Jesus in a way that you may not have experienced before.

We will have beautifully crafted moments around the church property where you can, in a small hosted group, be able to contemplate Jesus and His death.

So how does it all work?

Well, I’m glad you asked that question…

  • Why do I need to ‘sign up’ on the church centre app?

Signing up for a specific time is really helpful as we then can anticipate and prepare for you. Small groups are going to be walking around together and you will be placed in one of those groups.

If you are going away for that long weekend (hooray for you!) come on Wednesday evening.

  • How much time will this take?

Set aside an hour and a half to fully benefit from this experience.

  • My children?

There will be kids care and a Jesus experience for them too. The immersive experience does have graphic content so it would be advisable to sign your kids in for their own age appropriate activities.

Let’s gather. Let’s be together these evenings. Let’s celebrate Jesus together.

Bring your friends, family, colleagues - let’s experience His powerful love in action for us.

See you soon

Loads of love,


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