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Andy Clark

Dear Urban Life,

Well - last Sunday was not a day to miss church! #understatement

God has a plan and He is working it out! And…I am excited, and in awe, that I get to be a part of His plan - ‘for such a time as this’.

Let me fill you in as to what happened on Sunday … Acts 2 happened!

Not the well known part about the Spirit of God making a loud noise as He filled the room, nor the part about where tongues of 🔥 sat on er’body’s heads…. But the part where “a deep sense of awe swept over everyone…and they shared with one another whatever they had.” (Acts 2:43-44)

Out of the generosity of ordinary people came a meeting of human, everyday needs!

God’s doing - not man’s powerful and persuasive words - although Warren spoke brilliantly! This was an act of God in our midst.

And I missed it 😦.

Craig and I went to Ballito to attend a friend’s 40th birthday party 🎉 so we were away for Sunday…gosh!


Sitting on the beach, constantly checking Craig’s phone with access to ULC’s account, watching the money flow into the bank was unbearably exciting - it was like a game show where someone was winning money! BUT - with the greatest plot twist…. The money was for others! Our beautiful surroundings paled into insignificance (the grandchildren nearly forgotten 🤭) as we watched the Hand of God sweep across the hearts and minds of Urban Life Church. Many kilometers away and yet we felt His Presence.

The kindness of God to those in need - He sees everyone. He knows YOUR need. He is watching out for you. He draws close to you.

The blessing of God for those who gave - no matter how much - He LOVES a cheerful giver - His rewards will outweigh the gift given - “pressed down, shaken together and running over”!


With God.

It is not too late - I have just pressed the buttons to give to REBUILDERS at Urban Life Church. It is time to make a difference and give to others’ needs!

A deep sense of awe is sweeping over us.

I am excited about what God is doing!

See you this Sunday - online or in person … building the Church with Jesus.

Love you all with deep deep gratitude in my heart for the privilege of leading such a beautiful expression of His Bride.



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